Price: $3.49
Rating: 4/10
I loved TJ’s Mac & Cheese with Green Chiles, so when I saw this new Truffle Mac & Cheese, I was psyched! I was going to make it as an appetizer for a get together with some friends at my apartment, but we ended up making some other things instead, so I had it for dinner one night. I followed the directions exactly, and what came out was so unappetizing I threw about ⅓ of it away. It came out rubbery with a sauce that was super thick and not-at-all-creamy. I’m not sure if maybe I should have tried stirring it sooner so the pasta would get more coated in sauce while it was cooking to avoid the rubberiness or what, but it seemed like the main problem was just not enough sauce to cover the macaroni. Whatever the issue was, I won’t be buying this again to try to solve the issue.